In order to support the principle that equity permeate all components of mathematics
and science education, equity standards are established in the following areas:
- School, District, and State Policies
- Community Partnerships
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Assessment
- Preservice Education
- Professional Development
- Administration
- School Structure and Climate
School, District, and State Policies
- Schools, districts and the state have and enforce policies that address issues of
equity. - Policies and practices are aligned to ensure that staff and administrators respect
and promote diversity. - Resources are allocated to address issues of equity in all program areas.
Community Partnerships
- Parents, caregivers, students, community members, and business partners of diverse
backgrounds are crucial to discussions and actions that address equity in science
and mathematics. - Outreach activities empower parents, caregivers, students, community members, and
business partners to engage in mathematics and science education. - Alliances and collaborations among and between community members of various backgrounds
are fostered to support equitable educational opportunities.
Curriculum and Instruction
- Equity is addressed as an integral component of a mathematics and science curriculum
framework that ensures focused and coherent instruction. - Curriculum materials are selected to ensure that they are free of bias, are representative
of various groups and strongly encourage participation of all students in mathematics
and science. - Instructional strategies support learning for all students.
- All students have equal access to high quality learning materials, including electronic
resources of information and a variety of technological tools. - All students have equitable opportunities to learn to use technology.
- Student assessments are aligned with science and mathematics curriculum standards,
are free of bias, and are sensitive to diverse student populations. - Educators use more than one type of assessment tool when assessing students’ work.
- Assessment of an individual student’s performance uses comparisons of performance
over time to help recognize patterns of success and/or difficulty.
Preservice Education
- Preservice programs prepare teachers to teach science and mathematics to diverse
populations of students. - Preservice education faculty are knowledgeable about and understand issues of equity,
relate subject matter to various cultural backgrounds and perspectives, share instructional
strategies that reduce gender-bias, and model strategies that include students with
a variety of needs in standards-based instruction. - Learning environments encourage and support the participation and success of students
from diverse backgrounds in becoming educators. - Active recruitment of faculty, students, administrators, and support personnel from
underrepresented groups is nurtured.
Professional Development
- Equity issues are integral to professional development activities and include staff
members examining their beliefs about and expectations of all students. - Continued support in educating diverse populations and preparing students for living
and working in a diverse society is given through inservice professional development
activities that ensure equitable and inclusive instructional practices. - All staff, including members of underrepresented groups, have the opportunity to
participate in leadership and professional development programs in mathematics and
science education.
- Administrators actively generate and promote policies that address issues of equity.
- Administrators are responsible for implementing school, district, and state equity
policies. - Formal and informal expectations of staff are aligned with equity policies.
- Hiring and retention of staff from underrepresented groups is valued and promoted.
School Structure and Climate
- Staff members use teaching strategies appropriate for students in diverse classrooms
and are knowledgeable about and sensitive to the differences and perspectives of
diverse populations. - Staff, students, and community members have personal interactions with each other
that reflect mutual respect. - Staff and community provide opportunities for students to learn about, understand
and value one’s own culture and the cultures of others.
SciMathMN Statement of Equity for Mathematics and Science Education was adopted May 19, 1997, by the SciMathMN Board of Directors.